Combining Traditional Wisdom with Evidence-Based Healing
Tamara offers consults both in clinic and over the phone with a focus on clinical herbalism for Family Health. She works within the Naturopathic framework to help you and your family to thrive.
With a young family herself, Tamara understands the ups and downs of being a parent and wanting the best for her family and their health. Her aim is to understand her clients personal health journey and create an individualised plan to enable them to feel energetic and vibrant.
Tamara believes that community is important and she will happily work alongside other healthcare practitioners to ensure her clients recieve the best outcomes.

Tamara's specialites

Gut health
Our gut health has a HUGE impact on all other aspects of our health, from our skin to our mental wellbeing. Tamara specialises in improving your digestion and elimination as well as restoring the gut-immune interface for better overall health. This has full body benefits including dampening down autoimmune disease, improving chronic skin conditions and relieving digestive discomfort and food senstivities. She is an accredited GEMM practitioner.

Hormonal health
Tamara is skilled at prescribing herbal medicine to help shift hormonal imbalances including reproductive hormones, stress hormones and metabolic hormones. Whether you are 16 or 60, Tamara can assist with hormones gone crazy including insulin resistance and weight loss, PMS, PMDD, pregnancy and the perimenopausal transition and adrenal hormonal shifts (think burn out and chronic fatigue).

Children's health
With children herself, Tamara loves to work with the little ones. She assists with children's sleep issues, poor immune function, gut issues, parasitic infections, anxiety, bedwetting and all the common childhood illnesses. If you're looking for a natural holistic approach to your child's health conditions, Tamara will be able to guide you safely. She offers reduced rate consults for children to help keep naturopathic medicine accessible to families.

What is herbal medicine and how does it work?
Herbal medicine is the oldest and still the most widely used form of medicine practiced today. Western herbal medicine practitioners draw from ancient knowledge paired with the latest scientific research to create herbal formulas to help support and improve all systems in the body. Herbalism aims to stimulate a return to health by strengthening the body’s organ systems. It is a holistic form of medicine which aims to not only address symptoms but also address the underlying causes of a condition or disease.
Most people understand that biologically active compounds found in plants have been extracted and synthesised to create many common pharmaceutical drugs used today- think aspirin, quinine, morphine. Perhaps less known however is that these active compounds can function effectively and often more safely (i.e. without side effects) when taken in their more natural form, as prescribed by an herbalist.
There are many different types of herbal medicine that spring from different cultures around the globe. While they all use botanical plant medicines to treat their clients, they vary in the plants they use and how they prepare them. Western Herbal Medicine emphasises the use of European and Native American herbs, however herbs from other parts of the world are often used as well. Western herbalists generally prescribe herbs for the ingredients, or constituents, they contain and for their known physiological effects.
Clinic location: (Vital Chiropractic) Shop 2, 1473 Pittwater Road,
North Narrabeen, NSW 2101
(enter via the balcony to
Feels Pilates Narrabeen)